She is having a big give-a-way...... I just had to let you in on it!
When there is nothing left to do, just Grin & Barrett
Posted by Grin and Barrett at 5:37 PM 2 I have alot of commednts
As a special treat, since we were laying low Christmas Eve, except church, George and I decided to give "our" gift to the kids on Christmas Eve this year. We also were trying to use it to our advantage for our sleep sake as well. Long story short, Lauren woke us up last year at 4:00 in the morning for Christmas. Being the wonderful dad that George is, he couldn't tell her to go back to bed, so we all drug (and I do me drug) our sorry behinds out of bed for a cute little 7 year old. That included our son who was 17, without to much complaint. It's amazing that Lauren has us all wrapped around her little finger. And to think, I was trying to make that a short story... hehehe
Please be careful as you travel and as you celebrate the new year.
God Bless!
Posted by Grin and Barrett at 11:53 AM 2 I have alot of commednts
George, Josh, Lauren and I, wish you and your family a very Merry Christmas!
Posted by Grin and Barrett at 9:06 AM 2 I have alot of commednts
Thanksgiving was wonderful. We were able to go to my mom's, which is a couple blocks away from us, for Thanksgiving. Family...... What would we do with out them? George took the "man" camera with us.... but guess what, I forgot to put the memory back into it, after downloading the last batch of pictures. OOPS! But luckily, dad just bought a new camera and was willing to try it out. :)
Posted by Grin and Barrett at 12:56 PM 2 I have alot of commednts
It has been a very ~ very busy week here in the Barrett house. Thank goodness I am not having Thanksgiving here, not that I would mind. George was so sweet and decided to take down the border and re-paint the dining room...... in two days. LOVE IT!
Now I have to decorate. :) Mr. Reid just couldn't get enough of George, he was at the gate quite often. Now he knows how to open it! George is going out to get a latch today. :)
If you look on Buddy's nose and under his eye, you will notice paint. He decided to get nosey and sniff around......
Those Golden Retriever's!
Lauren and dad decided over the weekend that one day this week, they would get up and go out to breakfast before school. Just a special treat for Lauren, since George has been put on a different shift and she doesn't see him for just a little bit on Thursday morning and then Saturday. It also just to be the morning that the tooth fairy came to visit. We have been waiting and waiting for that tooth to come out..... FINALLY!
We are so very thankful for all of our family and friends. We would like to wish you all a safe and Happy Thanksgiving.
Posted by Grin and Barrett at 10:42 AM 3 I have alot of commednts
It's Small Fryday!!!
No, really it is Sunday, don't run to your calendar. I have been meaning to tell you all about this awesome blog that I have been visiting faithfully and this gives me the perfect time to do so. Not only am I letting you know about this wonderful site, I in turn, am learning a new thing in posting. YEAH!
The Blog is MckMiracle at and I have a button on the side of my blog,if you would like to pop over to take a visit. I totally encourage you to do so. But be ready to be touched. Their story is amazing, from the beginning to now. They have 4 beautiful children and an awesome miracle to tell everyone about. The MckFamily has an awesome faith and are down to earth, everyday people, who love to share their life of a house of 6.
Remember when your mom asked you to try to eat something new, you might like it.......I am asking you to try might just like it. I am sure you will.
Thank you for listening.... I truly love this blog, and just wanted to share it with you.
I hope everyone is have an awesome weekend.
Posted by Grin and Barrett at 8:35 AM 0 I have alot of commednts
Posted by Grin and Barrett at 8:18 AM 0 I have alot of commednts
Posted by Grin and Barrett at 12:33 PM 2 I have alot of commednts
This is just so funny~ I just had to share it. Back in August, Lauren found out this boy around the corner from us, liked her. The way she found out was, he kept trying to kiss her on the bus. So, when I asked her if he said anything to her, she said yes........ She replied........he said he loves me......AND MOM, HE'S A SECOND GRADER! The funny thing was..... I just happened to have a camera in my hand that day and was snapping shots as she came walking in the door telling me all this.... PRICELESS!
Posted by Grin and Barrett at 8:12 AM 1 I have alot of commednts
Yes, I am posting about Halloween. Halloween was officially 11 days ago..... boy am I late or what! As you have noticed, not up to posting lately..... not feeling myself. Working on getting better, though.... sloooooooow process. :(
Posted by Grin and Barrett at 9:12 AM 3 I have alot of commednts
Posted by Grin and Barrett at 10:17 AM 1 I have alot of commednts
This is what I have to do.......
1. Go to your pictures
2. Upload the 4th picture of the 4th folder
3. Post it
4. Tag 4 of my friends ( Okay, I am just saying in advance.... SORRY!)
This was back in April of 2005. Lauren has always loved being in front of the camera. WOW~ that was three 1/2 years ago. Where does the time go? It's hard to believe that at 8 Lauren knows what she wants in life. Is that really possible? She has said for over a year now, that she is going to New York for Fashion, after she graduates high school. She does have this certain drive. She loves gymnastics..........She LOVES life! I just love to watch life through her eyes. It's awesome.
NOW IT'S YOUR TURN...........
Tag~ your it!
1. Ann
2. Rachel
3. Janeen
4. Chris
So, it's not that hard.... It actually makes you blog. :)
Come on- you can do it. I know you can!
Thanks, Cecile......
Posted by Grin and Barrett at 1:23 PM 2 I have alot of commednts
Posted by Grin and Barrett at 9:04 AM 8 I have alot of commednts