Thursday, June 26, 2008

It's Thursday~ Already?

Sorry, no pictures tonight. I will try to get to it on Sunday. But don't hold your breath. hehehe
I am still recouping from Josh's graduation party that we held here at the house last Saturday. It went well, but for those of you who are planning on doing this..... I don't recommend it! EEK! What was I thinking. But when you have friends like I do, anything is possible! I have great friends. No, make that WONDERFUL friends. (Group Hug)
Okay, I could go on about my friends, and I did, but I backed it out, because I was going to make this short and sweet, and.....hmmmm it's not ending that way. :o)
On top of the graduation last weekend, and since we cleaned the garage out, I decided this week that I was going to put a garage sale together..... So tomorrow morning "bright and early" the garage will be open for business, at least for two days. (you can tell I am having a blonde moment, I stuck this whole paragraph in, for what reason?.....)
One last note.... for all my bloggers out there, could you please say a little prayer for my dad, he'll be going in for back surgery on Tuesday.

1 I have alot of commednts:

The Ski's said...

Your blog looks incredible! I was thinking about you all weekend of the graduation party. I almost called you to see how you were, but I figured you may be recooperating from all the chaos! Glad you survived!

We will keep you in thought as your dad prepares for surgery.

Thinking of you!!!!! (Ellie keeps asking about you and Lauren! That is a great sign! She is excited about being with you soon!)